Limbo [Limbo] : 1. the supposed abode of the souls of unbaptized infants, and of the just who died before Christ’s coming. 2. in a forgotten or ignored place, state, or situation. [Lim - bo] : Lim - limits - 1. a point or level beyond which somthing does or may not extend or pass. 2. a restriction. Bo - 驳 - 1. a trees’ name. 2. unpurified. 3. rebound [Limbo] 1. an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal. 2. a large branch of a tree. Limbo on spotted objects When the last sunlight falls onto the pedestal, the gloomy leaves block the warmth. The toiletries cup is suddenly prepared, the lunch has been eaten by the unknown, the squashed shopping bag is tucked aside. A doll is perpetually shaking her limb: Lim-bó 驳 unpurified limit How does different time come together? How can the pedestal gather objects up? How would heaven and the shelter mutually respond? As you step into this field, be aware: Limbo the limbo This is a place where: the dead suddenly becomes animate, the god turns into a beast, the outlaw stands for justice, the being composes the myth. Never leave. Desert field adventurer Wu Wanling